by train
The train stations close to the centre are "Jena Paradies" (8 minutes to the venue) and "Jena West" (12 minutes to the venue).
by car
Jena is very accessible from all directions in Germany due to its central location. In addition to the A4 and A9 motorways, the airports of Erfurt-Weimar (70 km) and Leipzig-Halle (100 km) are in the immediate vicinity of Jena. For reasons of climate protection, however, we would like to suggest that you arrive by train, which is easily possible due to the North-South and East-West connections.
by plane
If there is no other way to travel than by plane, we would like to draw your attention to the possibility of climate compensation. You can use, among others, www.atmosfair.deExternal link to offset CO2 emissions of your flight with a donation and thus support climate-protection projects.