Great Transformation


Great Transformation
Image: Sarah Cords

The booking period prior to the conference has ended. Now weekly passes and day tickets can only be purchased on site. Please note that day tickets will not be available for the opening day of the conference (23.09.2019).

Weekly pass

The participation fee is staggered according to the time of registration and depends on your status:

Participation fee Standard
Regular 250.00 €
Member of the DGS 205.00 €
Student 65.00 €
Student with DGS membership 55.00 €
Unemployed 65.00 €
Pensioner 125.00 €

The participation fee includes (weekly pass): Participation in all scientific conference events, the opening event and the subsequent reception. The conference booklet will also be handed to you as well as the special volume of the Berlin Journal for Sociology entitled "Große Transformation? Zur Zukunft moderner Gesellschaften".

Please note that the sole membership in a section of the DGS does not entitle the holder to the reduced participation fee for DGS members. A list of DGS members is available. Students are requested to provide proof of their student status.

Should you not be able to afford the participation fee, please get in touch with Ilka Scheibe

Day passes

The amount of the participation fee also depends on your status:

Participation fee Price
Regular 70.00 €
Member of the DGS 60.00 €
Student 30.00 €
Student with DGS membership 25.00 €
Unemployed 30.00 €
Pensioner 50.00 €

Day passes include: Participation in all scientific conference events as well as a booklet with the main programme of the conference.

Please note that the sole membership in a section of the DGS does not entitle you to the reduced participation fee for DGS members. A list of DGS members is available. Students are requested to provide proof of their eligibility.


Should you unexpectedly not be able to attend the conference, a justified cancellation until 25.08.2019 is possible. In this case we will refund the participation fee minus a processing fee of 30.00 €. In the event of cancellation after 25.08.2019, the refund of the participation fee is unfortunately no longer possible.

In order to cancel your conference attendance, please contact Ilka Scheibe via

Contact person

Ilka Scheibe

Phone: +49 (0)3641 / 9-45040

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