Great Transformation


Great Transformation
Image: Sarah Cords

Please mind that only events in English language will be presented on this page. Please check the corresponding German page for all events.

Branko Milanović (New York, US)

Branko Milanović

Image: Rolf Schulten

The Transformation of Global Inequality

Opening Keynote on 23.09.2019 • 17:00

Prof. Dr. Branko Milanović is currently Presidential Professor at the Graduate CenterExternal link
and Senior Fellow at the Stone Center on Socio-Economic InequalityExternal link at the City University of New YorkExternal link. For a long time he has been a senior economist in the research department of the World BankExternal link. Main areas of work include: income
inequality in individual countries and worldwide as well as historically in pre-industrial societies.

Joan Tronto (Minneapolis, US)

Joan Tronto

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The Future of Caring Democracy

Keynote on 24.09.2019 • 9:00 – 10:00

Prof. Dr. Joan Tronto is Professor of Political Science at the University of MinnesotaExternal link and was previously Professor of Women's Studies and Political Science at the Hunter CollegeExternal link and the Graduate SchoolExternal link, City University of New YorkExternal link. Main areas of work include: care ethics, women’s and gender studies, political theory, caring democracy.

James K. Galbraith (Austin, US)

James Galbraith

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Inequality and the End of Normal

Keynote on 24.09.2019 • 9:00 – 10:00

Prof. Dr. James K. Galbraith is an American economist. He is a professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public AffairsExternal link at the Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Lehrstuhl für Government / Business Relations at the University of Texas, AustinExternal link and Senior Scholar at the Levy Economics InstituteExternal link des Bard CollegeExternal link. Main areas of work include: inequality, economic policy, growth theory.

Gurminder K. Bhambra (Sussex, GB)

Gurminder Bhambra

Image: privat

European Colonialism: The Great Transformation that Explains the Global Crisis

Keynote on 24.09.2019 • 13:30 – 14:30

Prof. Dr. Gurminder K. Bhambra is Professor of Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies
in the Department of International RelationsExternal link at the School of Global StudiesExternal link of the University of SussexExternal link. Main areas of work include: citizenship, colonialism, world history, historical and political sociology, modernity, postcolonial/decolonial theory,

Jason W. Moore (Binghamton, US)

Great Transitions in the Web of Life: Climates of Crisis in the Holocene and Beyond

Keynote on 24.09.2019 • 18:00 – 19:00

Jason W. Moore is an environmental historian and historical geographer at Binghamton UniversityExternal link, New York, where he is Professor of Sociology. He is also coordinator of the World-Ecology Research NetworkExternal link. Main areas of work include: capitalism and the environment, especially with a view to their historical development and their current crisis.

Maristella Svampa (La Plata, AR)

Maristella Svampa

Image: privat

Transformation of the Global South – what Future?

Keynote on 25.09.2019 • 9:00 – 10:00

Maristella Svampa is a sociologist and professor at the Universidad Nacional de la PlataExternal link, Argentina as well as an independent researcher at CONICETExternal link. Main areas of work
include: social movements in Latin and South America, social-ecological transformation, extractivism.

Massimo De Angelis (London, GB)

Primitive Accumulation and the Future of Capitalism

Keynote on 25.09.2019 • 9:00 – 10:00

Prof. Dr. Massimo De Angelis is Professor of Political Economy at the University of East LondonExternal link and editor of the web journal The CommonerExternal link. Main areas of work include: economic change, social movements, commons.

Luc Boltanski / Arnaud Esquerre (Paris, FR)

Boltanski & Esquerre

Image: F. Mantovani Gallimard

Naissance du capitalisme intégral

Keynote on 25.09.2019 • 13:30 – 14:30

Prof. Dr. Luc Boltanski is a sociologist and research director at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences SocialesExternal link, Paris. Main areas of work include: theories of capitalism, sociology of morality, pragmatism, political sociology.

Prof. Dr. Arnaud Esquerre is a sociologist and researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)External link in Paris. Main areas of work include: historical sociology, social criticism, capitalism research.

Margaret S. Archer (Lausanne, CH)

The Imperative for Growth and its Impact on our flourishing

Keynote on 25.09.2019 • 13:30 – 14:30

Prof. em. Dr. Margaret S. Archer, a sociologist, teaches as an emeritus professor at the École polytechnique fédérale de LausanneExternal link where she has established the Centre for
Social Ontology. She is a founding member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences External link and was appointed President by Pope Francis from 2014 to 2019. Main areas of work include: macro-sociology, sociological theory, cultural sociology.

Lucio Baccaro (Cologne, DE)

Lucio Baccaro

Image: MPIfG / Thekla Ehling

Growth Models in Europe: Which Future?

Keynote on 26.09.2019 • 9:00 – 10:00

Prof. Dr. Lucio Baccaro is Managing Director of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of SocietiesExternal link and Professor for Macro-sociology at the University of GenevaExternal link. Main areas of work include: political economy of growth models, comparative industrial relations, global justice.

Karina Batthyány (Montevideo, URY):

Gender, Care work, and Welfare. Challenges, Policies, Tensions

Keynote on 26.09.2019 • 13:30 – 14:30 Uhr

Dr. Karina Batthyány is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social SciencesExternal link of the University of the RepublicExternal link (Uruguay) and current Executive Director of the Latin American Council of Social SciencesExternal link (CLASCO). Main areas of work include: Research methodology, gender relations

Evgeny Morozov

The Smart Temptation. Digitisation and Society

Keynote on 27.09.2019 • 9:00 – 10:00

Evgeny Morozov, PhD, is a publicist and scientist who has had numerous research stays at international universities and institutes. Main areas of work include: political and social effects of technology, Internet studies, history of science.

Philip S. Gorski (New Haven, US)

The Future of the United States' Left

Keynote on 27.09.2019 • 9:00 – 10:00

Prof. Dr. Philip S. Gorski is Professor of Sociology and Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)External link at Yale UniversityExternal link. Main areas of work include: comparative and historical sociology, political sociology, social movements.

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